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Blogging the day that just ended the old fashioned way: we pick up the boys; Skype wars





Even as I shot with my iPhone today and processed the images through Instagram to post as single images in this blog, I kept my main camera with me and every now and then I took a picture. Here I am with Margie at Jacob and Lavina's house to pick up the boys and bring them home to Wasilla to stay with us during their mother's surgery and convalescence. 

I lazily shot this just before I shot the one I Instagramed into my first post of the day. 

And here are the boys, in the car in the driveway of their mom and dad's house, just before we left.









We are home. The boys are out of the dirt pile. Jobe wants me to open the back door so he can come in. I am not sure why he couldn't open it. Maybe someone locked it. Maybe Jobe locked it himself.

By evening, Lavina was suffering at home on painkillers but wanted to say "hi" to her boys. We connected on Skype. I tried to get all the boys together in front of the iPad at once, but Jobe got to it first and took off with it.

As he spoke with his mom and dad, he got a bit morose. Or maybe defensive. Lynxton wanted in on the action, but Jobe wanted his parents to himself.

Then Lynxton put up a fuss. He wanted to talk to his mom and dad and would fight to do so.

It got really chaotic, but somehow we came to the point where I thought we had said goodbye. This gave Lynxton a chance to snatch the iPad, and, as it turned out, we had not said goodbye at all. His parents were still online, still saying goodbye. Jobe got pretty upset. Kalib had already said, "hi," he had a train and so was content.

This time, the goodbye was for real. Grandma gave comfort to Jobe as Jim, my good black cat, groomed his paw in sympathy. 

Reader Comments (1)

Aww, missing my babies a ton right now!
They look cute even when upset :)

July 25, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMom of grandsons

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