A blog by Bill Hess

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« Wind stops, rain ceases, clouds diminish, sun shines on yellowing leaves, airplane flies: Shadow Me comes walking with me | Main | I go to town to eat a hotdog and see the doctor; another surgery looms ahead; rain, wind, and an interpretation of a Foxy interpretation of a speech Michelle Obama never made »

I drive through hazards many and great to get to Margie's birthday party and Clinton's speech; winter - coming down the mountains

Yesterday was Margie's birthday, so, late in the afternoon, I headed into town. It was rainy and windy, although not as windy as the night before, when it had broken 100 - steady, I understand - in some parts of Anchorage and 60 to 85 in others. Out here in our part the valley, we missed the worst of it although it was plenty windy.

Less than half-way there, I came across an accident. It did not look to be that bad, but before I got even one mile past it, emergency vehicles, ranging from police to ambulances and fire trucks came screaming from the opposite direction, headed to the scene.

Hopefully, it was not that bad, but I don't know. However bad it was or wasn't, I am sure it feels pretty bad to someone.

Trees were down all over the place in Anchorage - some places looked a lot worse than this but I wanted to get to Jacob and Lavina's house in time to hear Bill Clinton speak to the Democratic Convention, plus I had to stop and pick up a gift and card for Margie, so I just drove by the others.

According to news reports, this storm probably brought down more trees in Anchorage than any other previous storm. Storms of this intensity are fairly common here during the winter months, but this one struck earlier than normal. The leaves were still on the trees and gave the wind that much extra surface to push on. The ground had not yet frozen and furthermore was water soaked, so the trees were not anchored nearly so good as they would have been if the storm had come after freezeup.

Power remains out in many places.











Jobe greeted me as I prepared to get out of the car.

I had gotten so used to having Margie and Lynxton with me at the house during my convalescence, now they stay here during the week. As you can see Lynx was overjoyed to see me.

I got there in time for the speech. I suppose a lot of people are going to find some way to discount and mock the truth behind what he said and vote for Romney anyway - but perhaps not as many as would have before.

Cortney's parents, Hal and Janet - soon to be our inlaws, are up visiting from Washington. They got to partake of Apache - Navajo food and proclaimed it to be delicious. Jacob made the greatest salsa yet. I wanted a second taco, but of that 33 pounds I lost I have gained 10 back already and I figure I don't really need to gain anymore back.












Kalib blew bubbles.















Then he helped his grandma blow out the candles. Rex and Cortney made the cheesecake. The raspberries came from their yard, the nectarines from Hal and Janet's. I was very surprised to learn this. After all these decades in Alaska, I had momentarily forgotten that down south, people can have trees in their yard that produce things like peaches, nectarines, apples, cherries and such.

Well, there's more pictures of more party goers to be sure, and of Lynxton turning into Lynx-zilla and single-bodily destroying a Thomas Railroad, but I already made this blog once and forgot to save and then at the end lost it all by own stupidity.

I just can't spend anymore time with it, so this will have to do.

Oh, wait. I must add this one back in. It is of winter, as seen this morning, moving down the mountains toward us.

Reader Comments (6)

Mr Hess... glad to hear that things seem to be going well.. Yesterday was my birthday as well! So Happy Birthday to Margie! I don't often find alot of Sept 5's out there.. :) The boys have grown..

Winter is coming fast. I went on the Park Road tour last week to do some picture taking.. and some spots had snow over the road! It was crazy.

Still thinking of you!

September 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRocksee

Beaufiful family, beautiful food and beautiful photo of winter coming over the horizon. Get well and prosper this coming year, Bill. Thanks for posting your struggles and your triumphs. More of both are sure to be in your future.

September 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGr K

Happy Belated Margie..the cake looks delicious.

September 6, 2012 | Unregistered Commentertwain12

Happy Birthday Margie ¸.•*´¨)¸.•*´¨)¸.•*¨)¸.•´*¨)¸.•´*¨) C & J ;)

September 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCyndy E

Happy Birthday Margie!!! The food looked delicious and that cake was outstanding! So glad you are feeling better Bill. Hope it will all be a fading memory! Glad you got some good work. My husband has Hospice now so things aren't going too good. I still keep hope in my heart. First the cancer, then the strokes and now Dementia. Count yourself lucky!! Give thanks you still have you mind. Your pictures always cheer me up. Thanks!

September 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMrs Gunka

Rocksee - Happy late birthday to you. I think it was 1982 when Fairbanks got its first snow on some crazy date like September 7, or maybe 14 - and that snow stayed until spring.

Gr K - Yes - that's the nature of it... struggles and triumphs. The second just can't come without the first.

It was, Twain! It was!

Cyndy - Margie thanks you.

Mrs. Gunka - Yours is a tough fight. I know. Really tough. Glad my pictures cheer you up. Thank you for all the support you have shown me in your own time of even worse hardship.

September 7, 2012 | Registered CommenterLogbook - Wasilla - Beyond

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