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Entries in Lynxton (108)


Lynxton controls the light

I am at the blue house in Anchorage, having just brought Margie in to babysit. I found Lynxton playing with the light switch. I shot four or five frames. In about half, his face is dark, in the other half, light. He looks not at the switch but at the light he has learned how to control. Now I will drive back to Wasilla.


Blurry double grandson reunion: Lynxton laughs, Jobe inspires me to buy a new plane

Since returning home, I have so far spent about 5 minutes in the presence of two of my three grandsons - when I took Margie in to Anchorage to babysit and then picked her back up again. Here is a blurry Lynxton with his dad looking on. 

Here is the second blurry grandson photo - Jobe and Dusty. I liked the toy airplane, "Dusty," from the movie "Planes" so much that when I left I headed straight to Target, where Margie told me they are sold. I thought I might buy the whole set, but they cost $5.99 each, so I only bought two, Dusty and the Corsair. Odds are I will wind up with the full set yet. Airplanes are irresistible to me - even toy airplanes. Kalib was at day care, so I did not see him.


Lynxton and the lens mug 

To my not terribly great surprise, Lynxton and the other boys showed up tonight. Their parents took them to Hatcher Pass, but it got rainy, windy and cold up there so they came down here. They didn't stay long but Lynxston did get hold of my lens mug and he knew right away what to do with it. I'm afraid I had better keep him away from my real 70 to 200. It is now 1:13 AM and I have had a great day – a very productive day. More productive than any other day this week. I think it was that morning bike ride and my little stop at the grotto.


Lynxton at the top of the hill just before going home

Part two of two: In the two weeks since I started using iPhone-Instagram as a tool for blogging, my three grandsons have been my Number One stars. Now the grandpa Instagram/blog is over for a while. I pushed Lynxton in his stroller to the top of the Ward Street hill and got some good exercise doing it. I came home drenched in sweat, wishing I had been using the stroller the whole time he had been here. Then his grandmother took him to Anchorage and came back home alone. So there are no more grandsons here for me to photograph and to write exceptionally brief stories about and there might not be for a while, because very early Tuesday morning I leave for the village of Nuiqsut on the bank of the Kuukpik River, not far from where it empties into the Beaufort Sea of the Arctic Ocean. In the meantime, even if their parents should surprise me and bring one or more of my grandsons out sometime this weekend, I've got so much to do I won't be able to pay much attention to them. So, this picture of Lynxton at the top of the hill is it for the grandpa blog for a while.


I take barefoot Lynxton on a 3 mile walk

Part one of two: Lynxton's mom called this morning to say it was time to bring him back. Surgery or no surgery, she had been separated from her baby for far too long and it was time for Lynxton to come home. I was just about to take my walk and I got to thinking, since he was going, it would be nice If he walked with me. But Lynx walks so slow and zigzags here and zigzags there and doubles back to look at this and stops to pick this up. Such a walk could take a year or two. Then, for the first time since he arrived, it suddenly dawned on me that there might be a stroller somewhere in the house. There wasn't, but there was one in the back of the car. I couldn't find his shoes so I strapped him in barefoot and off we went - me walking, him riding.

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