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I acquiesce to overwhelming reader demand (Michelle) and post: Five Studies: Charlie Drives Away In Lisa's New Car

Note: This happened one week ago today, in the midst of a nearly week-long period when I faithfully did not blog between Wednesdays, but only on Wednesdays. I adopted this schedule because I have too much to do to blog at all, but I didn't want my blog to die altogether. I felt I could keep it on life-support by blogging only on Wednesdays until the time comes when I get caught up and figure out how to take it on again. This could take anywhere from months to years, perhaps a decade or two or maybe centuries. I did mention a couple of study series I had photographed but had sadly not posted. This resulted in a deluge of a comment from Michelle, demanding I show the pictures.

As this was a holiday weekend and I went into semi-collapse mode and only did a token amount of work anyway, I made this post a couple of days ago, as well as another on the study series I shot on the cat that crossed the road. I had said I would post this yesterday, but posts that go up on Saturday nights tend to get many fewer visitors than those that go up late Sunday night, so I posted nonsense instead. I will post the cat studies tomorrow.

Preface to Five Studies: Charlie Drives Away in Lisa's New Car: Background: Sunday, June 30, 2013: Lisa and Bryce came out to the house in Lisa's new car, a Hyundai. Melanie and Charlie rode with them. We all took turns checking it out, going for rides. Even though it is a tiny car, Jacob found the backseats to be quite roomy. Lisa had been driving junk cars for quite awhile. It was scary. Junk cars failed entirely. She had no car to drive. Anchorage is a tough place to live with no car to drive. She rode her bike. Sometimes, she borrowed Melanie's car.

Mom started to talk about helping her to get a car. She did not want help. She wanted to get a car herself. She started looking at Craig'slist and such for more used cars she hoped would not be junk. She did not have enough money, but went to the bank to see if she could borrow enough to cover a used car.

She feared she would get no loan at all.

She got a loan to cover a new car.

Mom and I were glad. An economic burden, all right, but a young woman in Anchorage must have car. Anchorage is not like Bangalore, where a person can get around and function just fine even without her own car. We were proud, too. Mom offered to help, but Lisa did it all on her own.

Too bad she had injured her knee playing softball in her teens. Now, it had suddenly gone out while she engaged in normal activity.

Charlie Drives Away In Lisa's New Car: Study #1: Charlie wanted to drive home. Lisa agreed. Charlie climbed in and sat down behind the wheel. Charlie's beard came, too.

Charlie Drives Away In Lisa's New Car, Study # 2: Charlie places Charlie's camera in an accessible spot and grabs the seatbelt. Charlie will snap it safely in place before Charlie drives away in Lisa's new car.

Charlie Drives Away In Lisa's New Car: Study # 3: Before backing out into the road, Charlie listens carefully for the sound of any approaching train. Trains don't normally rumble down Sarah's Way, but you never know. If one did, and he backed into it, it would not do Lisa's new car any good.

Charlie Drives Away In Lisa's New Car: Study #4: Charlie peers out the window at his mentor to make certain his mentor is in a safe place. Charlie does not want to run over his mentor. But, then again, if Charlie did, maybe Charlie would get his mentor's cameras. Charlie could make good use of his mentor's cameras. 

Charlie Drives Away In Lisa's New Car: Study #5: Charlie waves goodbye as Charlie drives away in Lisa's new car with Lisa, Melanie and Bryce as passengers.

Epilogue to Five Studies: Charlie Drives Away in Lisa's New Car: Wednesday evening, July 3, 2013: Bryce pulls up in Lisa's new car to the main patient drop-off/pickup entrance to the Alaska Native Medical Center to pick up Lisa from the hospital and bring her home. 

Reader Comments (2)

Oh yes. Thank you Bill.

Totally worth getting a reputation.

July 9, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

Very nice car with the hatchback. Sporty and good mileage - good choice and best of luck with it!

July 9, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterCritter

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