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Branson's first communion, part 2: celebration with the angel at Metro - Branson wants to shed his suit and tie








In part 1, I promised to reveal the gift Branson and Carmen received at First Communion for their perfect record of attendance over the two month period when rehearsals were held at Sacred Heart every Saturday. This is it - an angel: held in the hand of Branson.

Branson placed the angel on the table his mother had elegantly decorated with a cake made to celebrate the day, his certificate of first communion and photos taken after his baptism in 2005 - including the beautiful one of Branson in the arms of his dad Scot, who, due to a task he absolutely had to attend to, had not been able to attend. Now, Branson wanted only to take off his tie, get out of his suit into something comfortable, join his cousin Evan and his friends and go out and play. No, his mother told him, there were still things to do and everybody wanted to take pictures of him. He would have to wait until later to change out of his suit and tie and go play.

But Branson did not see why a suit and tie should stop him from playing a hand-held video game - if only he could get his turn.

He got it. His Aunt Theresa preserved the moment for posterity. Now Evan wanted his turn. It seemed nothing could draw these boys away from the video game...

...but pizza did.

Branson ate his pizza quickly, washed it down with a soft drink, then announced he was ready to take off his suit and tie and go outside and play. Not yet, he was told. He must leave the suit on for awhile yet.

He did leave it on, too, but then, somehow, before his mom and aunt fully figured out what he was up to, he got his bike and began to zip in circles around the perimeter of Metro Cafe (which is closed on Sundays, so no traffic to worry about).

"Is that Branson, pedalling his bike in his suit?" his mother marveled.

He came back in, but only long enough to take off his tie and shed his suit. Then he was out running, biking and playing - so glad to be out of his suit - the way any seven-year old boy would be. I didn't grow up Catholic and never had a first communion but I did grow up Mormon and had to wear a suit every Sunday and I remember how much I hated the suit and tie and how good it felt to come home, get out of the damn thing and go play - to the very limited extent that my Sabbath observing mom would allow.

"Such a cute little tie," his auntie mused.

"Branson, God Bless You On Your First Communion."

Reader Comments (3)

Bless that boy, his family, and friends. Thank you for letting all of us see his special day.

April 30, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKathryn

Such a handsome young man -- he will grow up to make his mama very proud! Thank you for sharing his day with us, Bill.

April 30, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterNancy

Congratulations Branson! What a beautiful day for you and so glad Bill could capture it for you! Glad you got the suit and tie off! :-) Thanks for sharing this Bill!

May 1, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMrsGunka

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