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The little bit I feared turned into a fair amount - almost a lot but not quite

Other than the fact that what I feared would be just a tiny bit of snow despite the six to 12 inches forecast actually hit the mark, today's blog is pretty much the same as yesterday's blog - except, after going to bed and then getting very little sleep (WHY THE HELL CAN'T I SLEEP!!!!), I woke up for the final time about five minutes to 9:00. I started the car from bed, then got up, dressed, ran a comb once or twice through my ragged hair to no effect, then headed to the car.

It was frightenly warm: 32 degrees (0 C). The falling snow was warm and wet - good for snowballs and snowmen, which it hardly ever is around here. It's usually powder.

I feared it might turn to rain. I really did not want it to turn to rain. It is supposed to go below zero again (below -18 C) this weekend and if it turned to rain, then everything would be covered with ice-soaked and encrusted snow, including my firewood.

When I arrived at Abby's, only one customer had so far come in. I couldn't see his face but I knew who it was. If you are a regular visitor to this blog, then you know who it is, too. If not, stick around and find out.

When I came in and took a seat, the cowboy moved his cup to my table.





Tim, of course. I had not seen him since before I left to Barrow. He had been on a two-week deer hunting trip  on Afognak Island down in the Kodiak. It sounded like a great trip - they got a bunch of deer, caught quite a few fish, the boat iced up a few times but they had a lot of fun and got to hang out with some Kodiak brown bears, too. The only bad thing was one of his brothers was struck by a heart attack while dragging a deer.

The brother insisted he was okay, it was not a heart attack, took a nitro pill anyway and the hunting trip continued. A day or two later, they docked in Soldotna, took him to the clinic where the doctor immediately ordered him medevaced to Anchorage.

Tim also told me some stories about growing up at Mahoneyville when hardly any people lived out here. I especially liked the story about how he used to skate on the Little Susitna River all the way to Houston, about 20 miles when all the bends in the river were figured in.

I was so jealous. Why couldn't I have known Wasilla like that? Why can't Wasilla be like that today?

Driving home from Abby's.

I had a lot to do and I didn't want to take the time to take a walk, but I knew I would be sitting at this damn desk for at least 12 hours, probably more, so made myself do it - but a relatively short one. On the way home, I saw this dog in the road.





Come coffee break time, I headed for Metro, as usual. Yesterday, I introduced readers to Kristina, who is taking Elizabeth's place. Today, I was happy to see Elizabeth behind the counter, as I feared I would never see her again. This was her last day. Tomorrow, she heads for Germany to join her new husband.

So this just might be the last photo I ever take of her.

Gonna miss ya, Elizabeth!

There was a bit of a drama going on in the church parking lot across the street from Metro Cafe. Somebody driving a camper and pulling a four-wheel drive vehicle had gotten stuck and was furiously trying to get unstuck. Carmen said he had been stuck for hours now and that he would never get out.

Some people think life in Wasilla must be boring.


Here he is, trying to get unstuck as I pull out of the Metro Cafe parking lot to go to the post office.

And here I am, at the Post Office. I hoped I would find a check there, but my box was empty. Maybe tomorrow. I hope. I got stuck my own driveway twice today. I need to buy some new tires. Plus pay a whole bunch of medical bills and others, and buy a few Christmas presents.

And here is our backyard picnic table, just a little while ago. I believe we did get that 12 inches, maybe a little more. Last I looked, it was still snowing, too. It never did turn to rain and the temperature is dropping.

So that is good.

Reader Comments (2)

Kristina will love Germany, my Home Country !

December 13, 2012 | Unregistered Commentertwain12

Love the snow! Hope it stays under 32 so nothing melts and freezes again.
Wow, Tim's brother- man, I wish him well and hope he's okay. Tough, stubborn, strong Alaskan men!

December 13, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterangel

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