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Entries in State Trooper (2)


As the flames so pleasantly shoot out to my side, I take this blog on a strategic retreat

In the morning, I love to get the fire burning hot and then to sprawl out on the recliner Jacob and Lavina gave

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Seven mundane scenes from one mundane day seven days ago, beginning with an Alaska State Trooper, ending with a raven

I back up now seven days to an unblogged day I dropped into at random without even realizing it was seven days ago, then opened it up found that I had photographed seven different subjects. Some say that seven is a lucky number. A bit of good luck would be a good thing right now.

On that day, seven days ago, I found myself behind a State Trooper. I wonder if, when he looked in his mirror and saw me behind him, he double checked his speed to be certain he was not accidently exceeding the limit?

I wonder if, when he pulled up to this stop sign, he felt a temptation to save a little gas by not coming to a complete stop and just kind of roll through, but then looked in his mirror, was reminded I was still behind him and so chose to make a full stop?

He did make a full stop. In fact, once stopped, he sat there a bit longer than seemed necessary. I thought about honking my horn to prod him to get moving, but I am exceptionally polite and so I did not.

After I parked the car, I took a little walk and saw a duck - a mallard duck. A guy mallard duck.

Then I looked up in the sky and saw another duck. I could not determine if it was a guy duck or a gal duck. A good ornithologist could have undoubtedly looked at this duck and determined its sex in an instant, but I could not.

Next, I saw a Chinese caterpillar, crawling through the Alaska sky.

Later in the afternoon, I was in my car, drinking Metro Cafe coffee. I saw several kids riding bikes alongside Church Road. I zeroed in on these two...

...plus this lady and this little boy, not far behind them.

As usual, Margie was gone, babysitting grandkids. Come night, I looked in the fridge and cupboards for something to eat, but the sights were pretty grim. 

So I drove to Taco Bell, squandered scant economic resource and dined with ravens.