A blog by Bill Hess

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Entries in bicycle (2)


Back to Wasilla: Three kids on bikes coming down Tamar, shot through the cracked windshield of a Ford Escape

Beginning with the Fort Apache Scout back in the mid-1970's and continuing on through the most recent and perhaps last of all time Uiñiq magazine that I published in November, upon completing a major project I have always found myself completely exhausted and drained. Afterwards, I am worthless for a few days.

This Return to India series that I just completed has done the same thing to me. It has left me drained, totally exhausted, both physically and emotionally. Don't expect much from this blog for awhile. Just a picture or two a day, maybe, perhaps three - if I get really ambitious, with a little bit of nonsense written below.


I encounter a few problems on my next Loft post, so turn to my bike instead - a moose comes at me; I switch to the car - another moose charges in front of me; horses mock me

I have been working on the next Loft post, the one that will actually have Mormon missionaries in it, but I encountered a couple of problems. They are completely solvable, but it will take awhile and if I were to finish it up tonight, I could not actually put the post up until early tomorrow morning.

I do not want to work on this until early tomorrow morning.

So I decided to take the easy way and post a few photos from today - beginning here, with my first bicycle ride since I got struck down by shingles in November. I will solve the problems and make the post tomorrow, hopefully fairly early in the day.

Two days ago, I bought some studded snow tires, which I just put on my bike today. So I went out for a spin. It felt so tremendously wonderful to be out in the cold, pedalling my bike. My conditioning has deteriorated, but still it was wonderful. It reminded me of who I am really am. I felt like a living man in a way that I have not for awhile.

Yes, my shingles continue to drive me half insane, despite the reduction in the pain level, but now that I have got my bike going again, I intend to keep it going. I like feeling like a living man.

True - my toes got cold. It took them two hours to warm up. I don't care. People who are bothered by the occassional cold toe should not live in Alaska.

As I was nearing home, I came upon this moose. I lifted my camera. It started to come right at me. I think it was mostly curious. I did not perceive it as a threat. Still, I decided it best to take no chance and just pedal on.

It is not easy to pedal away from a moose and take a picture with one hand, so please forgive the blur.

After I parked my bike, I switched to the car, headed to Metro Cafe for my afternoon coffee break and then took the long way home. I saw several folks riding snowmachines, including this guy.

A new moose, a young bull who had not yet shed his antlers, suddenly charged in front of me. I had to hit my brakes, keep the car under control and take the picture at the same time.

So please forgive the blur.

The moose jumped over the berm, and bounded off into the trees.

Then a raven passed over.

On Sunrise, I came upon these two. They were going very slow. I soon passed them.

Next, I came upon the Mahoney horses. "Hey Bill!" the palimino shouted. "We hear you encountered a couple of moose today. We hear they scared you so bad you couldn't hold your camera steady. I bet you peed your pants, too!"

All the horses snickered, in that neighing way that horses snicker.

This was so unfair. It was just not how it was. But I knew that if I tried to deny, tried explain what really happened, I would only draw increased ridicule from the horses. These horses really know how to make fun of a person.

So I just drove on, returned home, and ate a boiled egg, wrapped in a slice of ham.

It was pretty good.