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« New Years day began dim, gray, dreary and gloomy; the trains came out, old pictures tumbled from a folder, the day turned light and warm | Main | Unseen images of 2012, part 3: The morning of Sujitha's wedding day »

I miss the New Year's Eve fireworks but get there in time for the traffic jam; train story; my working conditions are really tough

An hour-and-a-half or so ago, I was in here trying to clean up and get my office organized by the new year and I could hear fireworks bursting somewhere out there. This is the sound one would expect to hear around here this time of year, given the fact that there are number of fireworks stands just up the road in Houston, but they seemed somehow more loud and intense than one would expect - especially that long before midnight.

Come midnight, they will be blasting like crazy, all around.

I realized except for the little tiny bit I had blogged from Arizona and India, my plan to review the year in previously images had failed. I cannot blog about something from even the near past on New Year's eve when people are shooting off fireworks.

So I decided to get in the car and see if I could find some good bursts. I told Margie what I was doing. She then told me that the City of Wasilla had just started a big New Year's Eve fireworks display down at the main city park.

"They'll probably finish just before I can get there," I told her.

"They just started," she said. "You can get there."

As I was headed down Lucille Street, I saw a couple of bursts in front of me. So I raised my camera, pointed it in the general direction and released the shutter. I was surprised when the exposure lasted for several seconds, as I thought I had my camera set on shutter priority. I laid the camera back on the passenger seat before the exposure finished, figuring it was probably ruined already.

Then I remembered that the last time I had taken a picture - yesterday - I had switched to aperture priority because I wanted some depth of field.

Anyway, this is the picture.

It would be the only fireworks picture I would get. Sure enough, the show came to an end just as I reached the park area. So I didn't get to watch it, I didn't get to photograph it. These folks did, though, and now, because I am stopped for the traffic jam, they are walking through my headlights to their car. 

This is the traffic jam. I had to sit in it for close to half-an-hour. 

This is the photo I took yesterday with Aperture priority selected at F-11. I took it because a bit earlier Kalib had called me on his mother's phone. "Grandpa!" he shrieked in a high, excited, voice, "I need your help!" Among the gifts he and Jobe received were two tiny trains sets, one for each, from Margie and I.

We bought them that day in Palmer. Actually, we bought three train sets, because once I saw them I had to have one for myself. For Kalib, we bought a train with a red steam engine, as he loves red, for me, a black steam engine and this green one for Jobe.

Given all the fancy trains that came their way, I was worried they might ignore these little trains but, no, those boys - especially Kalib - take all trains seriously. But Kalib did not want the red one - he wanted my black one. In fact, I left him and Jobe alone in my office with the trains for a few minutes and when I came back, he had swapped his engine for mine and had also exchanged a couple of cars of his for mine.

"I'm sorry grandpa!" he had said.

Somehow, though, when they got home they discovered they did not have Jobe's green engine. Kalib now needed my help to find it. "It's in your office! Go get it!" Kalib said. It was not in my office. I had no idea where it was, but told him his grandmother and I would look for it. He promptly gave the phone back to his mother, put his boots on, got his jacket, and told his mom to buckle him and Jobe up into their car seats and take them to gramma and grampa's house right now, so they could get the green steam engine.

She didn't do it. Margie found the green steam engine the next day. This is it. We will get it to them soon.

Not everybody understands this, but I work under really tough conditions. Even as I worked on this post, I took this picture to prove it.

And Jim is there in that exact same spot right now. He has been there through every picture edit, every lightroom and Photoshop adjustment and through every word I have typed.

Sometimes, I don't know how I get anything done.

I hear lot of fireworks going off right now in this neighborhood. They will really heat up by midnight. Maybe I will go outside (we are in the middle of a horrid heatwave: 39 degrees. Our cold weather all went south and warm air moved up from Hawaii) then and take a few pictures.

But maybe not.

Margie and I are about to pop some corn and watch a movie. Come midnight, I think I might prefer to just stay cuddled up next to her rather than to jump up and try to photograph neighborhood fireworks.

I had my shot at fireworks tonight. I blew it. 

It's okay. I'm going to shoot something great in the new year, 2013. I don't know what, but I will.


Reader Comments (4)

We are wishing a Happy 2013!

December 31, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCyndy E

"I'm going to shoot something great in the new year, 2013. I don't know what, but I will."

Of that, I have no doubt, Bill.

Happy New Year to you.

December 31, 2012 | Unregistered Commentercuppajava

Happy New Year to you and your wonderful Family Bill

January 1, 2013 | Unregistered Commentertwain12

Happy New Year Bill! Can't wait to see the new pictures and watch those kids grow! To a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!

January 1, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMrs Gunka

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